
Welcome to sangha!

Together we practice meditation and study. 

We practice Soto/Rinzai Zen forms.

The style is a way to silently choreograph the first hour of practice.

We welcome all to join. We would like all to feel comfortable and supported in their practice.  

We are open to the public and welcome anyone who would like to join us. (We are now meeting on Zoom ) Questions?


8 am - 10 am

8 am - 9 am:
Seated and walking meditation. Two 25 minute periods with a ten minute walking period in between.

9 am - 10 am:
Reading and discussion or other feature including teachers or recordings or practices


We are meeting on zoom only. Please contact us for a link

Creative Sole Studio
175 Main Street, Conway, NH

Zazen - Kihin

Meditation is personal and simultaneously universal. There are many techniques that help us discover it. Each of us respond to different language or phrases in written or spoken instructions. The practice is really opening up to the present moment. Primary to practice is a sense of curiosity. Please check out some of our long time members' ideas and our own descriptions of meditation.

Zazen Instruction -seated meditation

Kinhin - walking meditation

Click on the link "MEDITATION" in the "schedule" section above to see Zen Mountain Monterey's instruction. 




Blog Posts

Zazen Instruction -- seated meditation

Find a comfortable seat. Sit up with your back straight. Find a good foundation in you legs or in your feet if you're in a chair. 

Breathe deeply and relaxed.

Begin to relax your body and just feel the sensation of the breath. Feel your body settle down into the cushion or onto the chair.

Breathe with your belly. 

Take a moment right now. Take a deep breath in. Let your belly get big and lungs fill with air. Let it out very slowly and focus on the feeling in your…


Posted by Jamie Gemmiti on August 14, 2020 at 5:04pm

Audio Dharma

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Conway Community Sangha

Creative Sole Studio
175 Main Street, Conway, NH


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